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Our Artists

Discover the diversity and richness of the Quebec artistic scene through our exclusive selection of artists. With nearly 150 talents coming from the four corners of Quebec, our artist section is a real journey through the different techniques and styles that animate contemporary creation. From watercolor masters to oil virtuosos, our artists invite you to explore a universe where abstraction, figurative, naive and many other styles meet and intertwine to create unique and captivating works . Immerse yourself in this ocean of creativity and let yourself be inspired by the passion and talent of our Quebec artists.

Our stars of the season

List of artists present on the site

A to B

Claude Asselin

Fernand Auger

Lise Auger

Natalia Babenko

Pierre Baril

Mario Beaudoin

Lise Beaumont

Andre Beauregard

Denise Bedard

Monique Bedard

Jean-Simon Begin

Mireille Belzile

Ginette Bergeron

Colette Boivin

Anne-Marie Bost

Jocelyne Bouchard

Marcelle Bouchard

Jacynthe Bourgault

Louise Breton

Marc Brochier

Claude Bronsard


Manon L'Herault

Angele B. Labelle

Marie Laberge

Jean-Roch Labrie

Louise Lacourse

Louise-Andree Laliberte


Jean Lamoureux

Michel Lancelot

Armande Langelier

Michel Lapensee

Jean-Paul Lapointe

Alain Laprise

Andre Latulippe

Jean-Paul Lemieux

Madeleine Lemire

Carolle Lepine

Jacques Letourneau

Helene Leveillee

Alain Lopez

Bruno Lord

C to D

Lisette B. Cantin

Claudette Castonguay

Andree Caya

Yvon Chartrand iaf.

Marc Chatelle

John Cisco

Helene Corriveau

Helene Couture

Jacques de Blois

Alex De Lavoie

Georges Dedoyard

Neree DeGrâce

Jacques Delorme

Liliane Demers

Marie-Claude Demers

Jean-Guy Desrosiers

Mance Di

Helene Dontigny


Marius Dubois

Antoine Dumas

Carole Dumont

Jean-Louis Dupont

Simon Dupuis

M to O

Sylvie Marcheterre

Lise Marquis

Lorraine Marquis

Anne Marrec

Claude Martin

Claude Mattheau

Bernard McCabe

Daniel McSween

Katerina Mertikas

Renee Mizgala

Sebastien Moreau

Christine Morency

Josee Morin

Christine Nadeau

Serge Nadeau

Denis Nolet

Joanne Ouellet

E to G

Marcel Fecteau

Denise Filion

Liliane Fournier

Therese Fournier

Francine Fugere Thiffault

Jacques Fugere

Danielle Gagnon

Josee Gauthier

Nicole Gelinas

Giovanni Gerometta

Alain Gilbert

William Gilbert

Debrah Gilmour

Chantal Gingras

Monique Gosselin

Alain Grenier

Pauline Guay

Jean-Yves Guindon

P to Q

Monique Painchaud

Santiago Panichini

Guy Paquet

Ginette Paquette

Diane Parent

Andre Philibert

Ilio Piccioli

Renee Piche

Claude Picher

Humberto Pinochet

Robert Poire

Jacques Poirier

Danielle Poisson

Gilles Poisson

Claude Poulin

H to K

Abd Hanafi

Jacline Harvey

Jenny Hellers

Louise Houde

Francine Huot

Paula Iacod

Francesco Iacurto

Linda Isabelle

Christine Isuel

Genevieve Jost

R to T

Ginette Racette

Denise Racine

Marcel Ravary

Johanne Raynault

Philippe Richard

Ghislaine Riendeau

Jacqueline Rivard

Louise Saint-Germain


Daniel Shelton

Benoit Simard

Claude A. Simard

Raynald Simard

Albric Soly


Rachel St-Pierre

Michel Sylvain

Claude Theberge

Johanne Thomassin

Jeannette Trepanier

Bertrand Turmel

U to Z

Stefanie Vallee

Marie Versailles

Judith Villeneuve

Serge Vincent

Mihai Vintila

Marie Voyer

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